Doctor & Professionals

Our primary objective is to build a healthy relationship and take ample and adequate care of the patients coming in to our facilities. We also want to spread the knowledge about mental illness and raise the awareness quotient among general population so that they can crush the social stereotypes and taboo surrounding mental health.

Dr. Devashish Konar

M.D Consultant Psychiatrist

Mr. Subrata Karmakar

Consultant Dietitian and Nutritionist B.Sc (Hons) in Food and Nutrition (DBNDSM, BU) Diploma in Dietetics (AIIH & PH, WBUHS) M.Sc in Applied Nutrition (AIIH & PH, WBUHS) National Diabetes Educator (DMDEA)

Mrs. Nilanjana Mukherjee

MA (Clinical Psychology), Clinical Psychologist

Dr. A Dhawan

Consultant Gastroenterologist

Dr. T. K Mondal

MBBS General Practitioner Every Monday and Thursday Morning 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Dr. Hemanta Mallick

M.B.B.S (W.B.U.H.S) General Practitioner – 5 patients daily except Tuesday and Friday

Mr. Vyasdev Ghosh

MSW, B.Ed in Special Education (M.R.) Special Educator